
The Dark Side of Destiny: Hell Re-Examined is unavailable, but you can change that!

Discussion of hell is hotter than ever. Yet for all the attention the topic has drawn, there are few resources that provide an overview of the major points in dispute without becoming bogged down in detail. The Dark Side of Destiny: Hell Re-examined is an excellent primer, yet goes beyond a mere description of options. J. Gregory Crofford weighs various views of hell in the light of Scripture and...

of the dilemma is to make future punishment not final, but remedial. The two forms that this post mortem (after death) second chance viewpoint takes are purgatory and universalism. Let’s look at both through the eyes of the three criteria laid down in previous chapters. Any position must take into account these elements of the character of God: 1. God will punish proportionately, the concept of lex talionis (Exod 21:23–25); 2. God is love; 3. God is holy. After applying this test to purgatory and
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